Cash and liquidity forecasting used to be a mess of spreadsheets and scattered data. nCREAS™ FinTech makes it simple.
Discover HownCREAS™ FinTech was created by cash flow and liquidity modeling experts as part of an analytics-as-a-service that redefines insights and efficiency. Finance professionals can now spend more time solving problems and less time “counting beans.”
The twin goals of cash flow and liquidity management are increasingly important in times of uncertainty. And with healthcare organizations feeling heightened financial pressure from all directions, actionable cash flow intelligence has never been more important.
For many hospitals, 75% of the work that goes into analyzing cash and liquidity is manually compiling source data and rolling over Excel models. Now you can proactively anticipate liquidity and funding needs with nCREAS™ Fintech.
Disciplined cash management will be required as healthcare finance professionals face increasing liquidity pressures. Replace traditional forecasts with dynamic analytics to better understand and manage cash flows.
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